Subscribed to forty Telegram channels. Each has dozens of unread messages. Tried limiting the number of subscriptions. Doesn’t work. Completely deleted Benefits from Telegram and restored only those that I could remember. Soon there are many of them again. I’m trying another approach to content consumption. I read messages in a selected channel for a couple of months. I record what interests me, but most importantly, I note what I used. Sometimes it is interesting to read, but there is nothing to apply. This is a reason to unsubscribe. I remain a subscriber to the channel “Babaeva to the board” .
I read about billions of views of singer Lena Temnikova’s gifs .
I’ve long ago written down the idea of creating a set of stickers for responses in telegram marketing. Creating gifs based on my photos turned out to be much faster and easier. Recorded several gifs to design short posts with freewriting teasers. Chose the app for creating gifs Gifstory. Interview with inventor and TRIZ master Victor Minaker about innovations, methodology and practical application of TRIZ. I practice the exercise advocated by James Altucher and Vetas Versatile: write down 10 ideas daily. The video cites statistics that out of 3,000 “raw ideas,” only one reaches commercial success. I don’t know how to determine the rawness of ideas, but I agree that it is important to train the skill of recording ideas. Every time I write down one of them, the next one appears.
“The best app for getting Benefits from Telegram out of a stupor is Voice Memos.
The trigger is “I’m kind of stuck.” For example, I need to solve a problem, pack a topic, or come up with something, but I can’t. I open Voice Memos, press “Record” – the clock is ticking, I need to talk. I call it “The Observer Effect” (like someone is listening to me on the phone, haha).
The first three minutes are just nonsense flowing out of your head – then the cream starts. I almost never listen to the audio again because I remember the solution . “
I remembered how after this post by the future of logistics companies: artificial intelligence and data analysis in supply chains Vitaly Kolesnik I started practicing image streaming. It replaced freewriting for me when I couldn’t or didn’t want to write.
When I launched a project in a neighboring city, I often spent half an hour while driving doing auto interviews, chatting about possible solutions to problems.
In crowded places, I often write down ideas by holding the phone to my ear, as if answering a call. Telegram conveniently makes audio notes in Favorites. Even more convenient is the voice transcription in DayOne .
If I want to remember my dreams, I speak them into my phone immediately after waking up.
Form influences content. Voice ideas undergo an additional filter compared to freewriting. To create an additional background when speaking, I sometimes keep portraits of people important to me in front of my eyes.
“I came up with a dreamy practice for myself:
I resumed canada data processing it with the goals of the current Hundred Days . The combination of a “bold idea” and the current task gives interesting ideas.
I crossed the new mailing list I’m working Benefits from Telegram on with the idea of holding a photo exhibition. I made one of the options for completing homework in the form of a photo report. And I’ve already made illustrations in the form of gifs for four letters. Thanks to Natalia for the photos of her wall with stickers. I redid my board. I bought additional magnetic stickers for this.