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But what exactly do we do when we are using our mobile phones while watching TV? And what happens if we add to this situation the use of tablets? To answer these and other questions, IAB Spain has recently published its latest annual study on mobile & connected devices . Let’s take a look at its results on the use of second screens with TV.

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Second screen with TV: mobile phones

A whopping 92.3% of users surveyed in this study watch television and use their Special Database phone at the same time, a percentage that has been increasing since 2017. Here are the data regarding the frequency of this behavior:

17.4% say they “always” do both activities at the same time.

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34.2% say they regularly watch television and use their mobile phone at the same time.

For 41.8%, these two activities occur

And only 6.7% refrain from using their mobile phone while watching television.

In 75.8% of cases, second screen

TV use was motivated by chatting or instant messaging. This behaviour is more common among those under 24 years of age (83%).
65.3% of users interviewed use their mobile to access their social networks while watching television. Once again, this is a habit that is more common among younger people (76% of those under 34).
And in third place would be the use of email with 62%.

Second screen with TV: tablets

Although somewhat less common than mobile phones, the use of tablets as a second screen with Recent Mobile Phone Number lead is also widespread, with 64.2 % of users doing so. 4.3% combine both activities always, 12.2% regularly and 50.3% occasionally, while 33.1% do not use tablets

TV at the same time.

It is also very interesting to see what the most frequent activities are when we use the tablet as a second screen with TV, since they are very different from those we have just seen with mobile phones:

49.8% of users use their tablet

To check email while watching television. This percentage is higher for people between 45 and 64 years old (57%).
47.4% use their tablets to access their social networks.
And 44.8% spend their time playing while watching television.

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